Don Smith |
Don Smith founded the American Consulting Group in 1989. My 20+ years of executive and line management positions in marketing-sales management, business planning and marketing research provides the foundation for the success of my consulting activities. My 20+ years of hands-on consulting and training experience provide me with a deep and insightful understanding of marketing, sales and business. |
Education |
BS Mechanical Engineering from Carnegie-Mellon. MBA in marketing from the University of Pittsburgh. |
Employment History |
Over 20 years of staff, line and executive positions in marketing-sales management, new products, marketing research and business planning. Employment history includes: |
- Brunswick Filtration Systems Group, Director of Marketing & Sales.
- Coca-Cola Heating Systems Group, Manager of Marketing Research & Business Planning.
- Johnson Controls. Market Research Analyst.
Don Smith, President |
Clients |
Clients range from family owned businesses to large Fortune 1000 companies including Akzo-Nobel, AT&T, Borax, Hayward, Hoechst-Roussel, Ingersoll-Rand, ITT, Lamb Technicon, Lockheed-Martin, Lutron, Motorola (Moscow), New York State Electric & Gas, Panama Canal, Pittsburgh-Corning, Rexam, Riso, SKF FlexLink, Symbios-Logic, Toshiba, Tyco Electronics (Shanghai), United States Department of Commerce (Ukraine) and Verizon. |
Executive Training |
- American Management Association: Average 3.85 on score of 4.00. Develop and teach multi-day seminars on Developing Successful New Products, Effective Product & Marketing Management, Establishing and Managing Distributor Sales Networks.
- Cornell Graduate School of Business: Part-time faculty. Voted as top-ten faculty. Semester-length, credited courses on Marketing and Business Strategy. Also participated in their Executive Development Program and USSR Union Managers Program.
- University of North Carolina Executive Program: One of very few non-UNC faculty. Business-to-Business Marketing.
- University of Wisconsin and Milwaukee School of Engineering: Part-time faculty. Credited semester length courses in Marketing Research and Business Statistics.
Business Alliances |
- Smith Marketing Services, LLP: Ithaca based advertising agency. I join their client team to evaluate and develop new products.
Awards and Honors |
- Cornell Graduate School of Management: Voted as top ten faculty.
- US Borax: Industrial Distribution Effectiveness Program.